How to beat hello neighbor act 1
How to beat hello neighbor act 1

how to beat hello neighbor act 1

When a trap is triggered, the sound of its jaws snapping shut will attract the attention of the Neighbor, similar to the cameras. If the Neighbor is trapped, he will grab his leg and attempt to pull it out of the jaws of the trap, succeeding after a few attempts. If the player walks into the trap (or interacts with it, prior to Alpha 2), they will be caught and will need to repeatedly press the space bar to escape. In the Pre-Alpha, the Neighbor also threw bear traps while chasing the player.

how to beat hello neighbor act 1

Bear Traps are tools used by the Neighbor in all versions of the game.īear traps are placed in areas that the Player visits frequently, with the intent of making it easier for the Neighbor to catch them.

How to beat hello neighbor act 1